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Re: Mortgage Connect vendor signup
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 3/30/22 8:49am Msg #639166
I didn't get that solicitation. I'm already one of their vendors. I get their blast offers. I counter with my fee. Once in while, they agree and we do business. They require an invoice -- either USPS, email or through their platform. I usually invoice through their platform immediately upon completion of signing (or as soon as their system allows; sometimes, you have to wait 48 hours). Once in a great while, their invoicing system isn't working properly. At those times, I contact them and they give me an email address where I can submit my invoice using their template. They pay within 2-3 weeks via direct pay. Don't know how long it takes if you prefer a paper check.

There was a time they would call with offers. Their automated offers may be for low fees. We can counter-offer, and I do. If people would just stop accepting the low offers and counter with viable fees, we wouldn't be at this point. <sigh> Guess some people don't grasp the concept that this is a for-profit business and not a charity drive.

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Messages in this Thread
 Mortgage Connect vendor signup - PaigeTurner on 3/29/22 5:10pm
 Check comments in Signing Central--not good. Lots of 1 star. n/m -  MW/VA on 3/29/22 7:46pm
 Re: Check comments in Signing Central--not good. Lots of 1 star. - pdl/cali on 3/29/22 9:24pm
 Re: Check comments in Signing Central--not good. Lots of 1 star. -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/29/22 10:28pm
 You might add that to SC. Mostly negative comments. n/m -  MW/VA on 3/30/22 6:39am
 Re: Check comments in Signing Central--not good. Lots of 1 star. - Robert Mahon on 4/10/22 3:14pm
 Re: Mortgage Connect vendor signup -  Yoli/CA on 3/30/22 8:49am
 Re: Mortgage Connect vendor signup --- BTW -  Yoli/CA on 3/30/22 9:01am
 Thanks everyone - PaigeTurner on 3/30/22 11:49am
 Re: Thanks everyone - PaigeTurner on 3/30/22 5:25pm
 Re: Thanks everyone - Margaret Owe on 8/4/22 5:01pm

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