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Just PoliticsLeisure
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From what I've read elsewhere
Posted by Linda_H/FL of FL on 8/3/22 1:59pm Msg #641608
This is a marketing gig...trying to get you into a lawyer network...they ask for credit card info at signup. It's, basically, a listing site for attorneys ... you got it as a random, mass emailing campaign.
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Messages in this Thread
 Impressive Lawyers. Anyone worked with them? n/m - Colonel/IA on 8/3/22 1:25pm
 From what I've read elsewhere - Linda_H/FL on 8/3/22 1:59pm
 I received a phone call. Costs $299.99 a month. n/m - Colonel/IA on 8/4/22 12:27pm
 OUCH!!! n/m - Linda_H/FL on 8/4/22 3:41pm
 Re: I received a phone call. Costs $299.99 a month. -  Cheryl Elliott on 8/4/22 4:00pm
 Re: I received a phone call. Costs $299.99 a month. - James Powell on 8/5/22 8:55am

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