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The great resignation
Posted by grapebed of MO on 9/29/22 8:56pm Msg #642557
A lot of people have made a significant amount of money the past 5-10 years ( stock options, bonuses, real estate, etc.).
This has enabled many people to quit their jobs without any financial worries. Good for them. They are all a heck of a lot smarter than me.

"Please sir, may I have an extra $10 print fee". That's no way to make a living. Fool that I am.
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Messages in this Thread
 For those searching for a JOB -  Yoli/CA on 9/28/22 10:01pm
 Re: For those searching for a JOB - ananotary on 9/29/22 11:31am
 Agree. Rapid fire technology is taking over -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/29/22 12:02pm
 Re: For those searching for a JOB -  Bee_CA on 9/29/22 1:06pm
 Re: For those searching for a JOB -  Yoli/CA on 9/29/22 1:28pm
 The great resignation - grapebed on 9/29/22 8:56pm
 Keep grabbing those Benjamins! ;-) n/m -  Amigoaz on 9/29/22 9:53pm
 Re: For those searching for a JOB - SteveS/CA on 9/30/22 11:04am
 Re: For those searching for a JOB - SC/CA on 9/30/22 12:13pm
 Re: For those searching for a JOB - PaigeTurner on 10/3/22 10:52am

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