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Re: $45 fee then what? I was approached with a $40 fee!
Posted by DeeNJ of NJ on 8/15/04 8:01am Msg #6100
My fees are $60/regular signing and $125/e-mail docs. When the signing company asks what I charge I ask them to please tell me first what they will pay. If they pay more than my minimum then it's a no-brainer; if they pay under my $60/$125 I tell them my fees are not negotiable. I've made a very good living sticking to this policy.
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Messages in this Thread
 $45 fee then what? I was approached with a $40 fee! - TinaMA on 8/7/03 7:37pm
 Re: $45 fee then what? I was approached with a $40 fee! - AmyO on 9/19/03 10:28pm
 Re: Re: $45 fee then what? I was approached with a $40 fee! - Lorraine George on 10/7/03 2:26pm
 Re: Re: Re: $45 fee then what? I was approached with a $40 fee! - Anonymous on 10/7/03 7:07pm
 Re: $45 fee then what? I was approached with a $40 fee! - DeeNJ on 8/15/04 8:01am

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