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Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov.
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 9/5/23 11:29am Msg #646698
I didn't find any explicit statement that a notary may sign up with more than one RON platform. Given the California SOS's habit of interpreting laws in the most inconvenient way possible, it's very possible the California SOS will issue rules that a notary may only sign up with one platform.
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Messages in this Thread
 I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - Lee/AR on 9/5/23 10:17am
 Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - VT_Syrup on 9/5/23 10:39am
 Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - VT_Syrup on 9/5/23 10:52am
 Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - VT_Syrup on 9/14/23 9:01am
 Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - VT_Syrup on 9/5/23 11:29am
 Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - Matt Miller on 9/6/23 8:41am
 Re: I see CA RON bill is up for final vote before going to Gov. - Matt Miller on 9/5/23 1:54pm

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