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We need a new Survey from XYZ
Posted by Lee/AR of AR on 9/7/23 8:10am Msg #646719
The one they did in 2020 (when things were bonkers) is way wrong now due to lots more notaries and lots less business. I'd like to see 2 surveys: 1 on # of NSAs year by year starting in whatever year it was that BGCs were a requirement to present. They already have this info. And, of course, an Income Survey like they did in 2020--cuz 'times, they sure have changed'. Yeah, I wanna start a riot but need your help.

Just click on: and ask for 2 Surveys: Number of signing agents 'year BGCs were required (2013, I think, 14?) to present' and, of course, an up to date Income Survey.
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 We need a new Survey from XYZ - Lee/AR on 9/7/23 8:10am
 drat... clickable link - Lee/AR on 9/7/23 8:18am

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