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Re: I知 raising my GNW fees for hospital and nursing homes.
Posted by pdl/cali of CA on 9/15/23 1:04pm Msg #646771
Well, everywhere I go, the fees have gone up, from my nail shop, , grocery shopping, car wash, gas, etc.
I have raised my travel fees a bit, and with hospital signings, it depends on time there, it is never an in and out situation,
parking, maybe paid parking, walking to room, and waiting for doctor or nurse to complete their testing or talking to patient. So, I would definitely charge accordingly.
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Messages in this Thread
 I知 raising my GNW fees for hospital and nursing homes. -  Expeditor on 9/12/23 7:38pm
 Re: I知 raising my GNW fees for hospital and nursing homes. - Lee/AR on 9/13/23 9:52am
 Re: I知 raising my GNW fees for hospital and nursing homes. - Gerry Grummons on 9/13/23 8:08pm
 Re: I知 raising my GNW fees for hospital and nursing homes. - pdl/cali on 9/15/23 1:04pm

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