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Re: Las Vegas notary activity
Posted by Bernadette Lara of CA on 9/20/23 10:15am Msg #646808
Work is slow, but I have more work here than my friends in California. I do a lot of sellers and our of state purchases, some HELOCs. I also sign quite a few out of state people at casinos and timeshares, so I get to see paperwork from various states.

You can take the notary class and exam online, and you get commissioned within 2 weeks.

We are also able to do remote signings in Nevada, which I’ve done, and are super easy.

Good luck 👍🏼
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Messages in this Thread
 Las Vegas notary activity - Alicia Padilla on 9/14/23 11:09am
 Re: Las Vegas notary activity - SteveS/CA on 9/14/23 12:13pm
 Re: Las Vegas notary activity - Alicia Padilla on 9/15/23 8:03pm
 Re: Las Vegas notary activity - Bernadette Lara on 9/20/23 10:15am
 Re: Las Vegas notary activity - SteveS/CA on 9/21/23 3:22pm
 Re: Las Vegas notary activity - Alicia Padilla on 10/1/23 1:15am
 Re: Las Vegas notary activity - Alicia Padilla on 10/1/23 1:14am
 Re: Las Vegas notary activity - Alicia Padilla on 10/1/23 1:20am

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