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RIP John Cown, Suffield, CT, aka Santa Claus
Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 11/19/23 8:03pm Msg #647167
John was a great guy. Very solid. He was 87 when his heart gave out last May 10, 2023. I tried to stay in touch with John. He was a wonderful mentor.

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Messages in this Thread
 RIP John Cown, Suffield, CT, aka Santa Claus -  Cheryl Elliott on 11/19/23 8:03pm
 Oh sad. RIP my friend n/m - Linda_H/FL on 11/19/23 9:58pm
 Re: RIP John Cown, Suffield, CT, aka Santa Claus -  Yoli/CA on 11/20/23 6:55am
 Re: RIP John Cown, Suffield, CT. More very sad news :<( n/m -  JanetK_CA on 11/20/23 6:36pm
 Screen name? n/m - Bear900/CA on 11/21/23 10:09am
 Re: Screen name? -  Cheryl Elliott on 11/21/23 10:51am

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