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It does happen. Some may remember James' ordeal?
Posted by Moneyman/TX of TX on 1/8/24 10:12am Msg #647523
Here is an article about two who stole 9 houses using a notary seal they bought off Amazon.

Date of article: 12/23/23
"Disbarred Attorney and Landscaper Used Notary Stamps From Amazon to Forge Deeds and Steal Nine New York Homes"

Some of the older notaries here may recall that this very thing happened to James' sister, about 15-18, or so, years ago.
If I remember correctly, it took them at least 6-8 months, maybe longer, (and a lot of money) to finally get the house back into his sister's name.
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Messages in this Thread
 Title Lock - kcg on 12/20/23 5:58am
 It's a scam! - bagger on 12/20/23 6:05am
 Re: Title Lock -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/21/23 9:34am
 Re: Title Lock -  JanetK_CA on 12/22/23 4:48am
 Re: Title Lock - SteveS/CA on 12/22/23 12:27pm
 It does happen. Some may remember James' ordeal? - Moneyman/TX on 1/8/24 10:12am

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