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Letter to Mortgage Connect
Posted by Candice Russell of FL on 1/13/24 11:31am Msg #647550
I sent the following to Mortgage Connect. Thoughts, fellow signing agents??

Good day,

I know this is probably going to go ignored, but I need to bring it to your attention anyway.

I am prepping a set of docs right now for Mortgage Connect. The fee is $50. There are 90 pages, and a total of 9 notary stamps required. At Colorado's current fee of $15 per stamp, that is a grand total of $135. Again, the fee is $50. This essentially amounts to theft of services!

I don't know who has come up with these reduced fees, but it is insulting, completely unfair, and needs to be revisited. Nobody else has dropped their fees. Realtors, title companies, signing services, etc. have all maintained their charges. The only ones being unfairly paid are the notaries, and, at the end of the day, a successful closing relies on us more than anyone!

I understand volume is down, but again, no one else is being paid less per deal. Our costs have risen drastically, and we are essentially paying to work. I hope someone at least gives this some thought and consideration.

Thank you for your time and attention.
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Messages in this Thread
 Letter to Mortgage Connect - Candice Russell on 1/13/24 11:31am
 My own personal first thoughts - Linda_H/FL on 1/13/24 12:27pm
 You have value, and you are highly relevant in the industry -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/13/24 12:56pm
 Re: Letter to Mortgage Connect - Lee/AR on 1/13/24 1:34pm
 Re: Letter to Mortgage Connect - PMB_WashSt on 1/13/24 1:43pm
 Re: Letter to Mortgage Connect - Carol Ann Horne on 1/13/24 2:09pm
 Re: Letter to Mortgage Connect -  JanetK_CA on 1/13/24 3:09pm
 Re: Letter to Mortgage Connect - Mobile Notary North Idaho - Owner on 1/17/24 11:39am
 Re: Letter to Mortgage Connect -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/17/24 11:52am
 Re: Letter to Mortgage Connect - SteveS/CA on 1/18/24 4:07pm
 Re: Letter to Mortgage Connect - Carol Ann Horne on 1/22/24 11:59am
 Re: Letter to Mortgage Connect - SteveS/CA on 1/22/24 12:55pm
 Agree w/Steve... n/m - CPNS2006 on 1/30/24 8:04am
 Re: Letter to Mortgage Connect - Carol Ann Horne on 1/22/24 12:02pm
 Re: Letter to Mortgage Connect - Carol Graves on 1/22/24 1:37pm

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