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Negrete offer $85 plus scan backs. Unreal! n/m
Posted by HeatherR/CA of CA on 1/30/24 10:47am Msg #647662
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Messages in this Thread
 Negrete offer $85 plus scan backs. Unreal! n/m - HeatherR/CA on 1/30/24 10:47am
 Re: Negrete offer $85 plus scan backs. Unreal! -  Doris_CO on 1/30/24 11:27am
 Yep...and even Tony only paid $90-$95 most times n/m - Linda_H/FL on 1/30/24 11:39am
 Re: Negrete offer $85 plus scan backs. Unreal! -  Yoli/CA on 1/30/24 12:05pm
 Re: Negrete offer $85 plus scan backs. Unreal! -  Cheryl Elliott on 1/30/24 3:45pm
 Re: Negrete offer $85 plus scan backs. Unreal! - SteveS/CA on 1/30/24 5:48pm
 Re: Negrete offer $85 plus scan backs. Unreal! - Edgar Wise on 1/31/24 4:34pm

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