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Another business expense
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 2/7/24 12:34pm Msg #647723
Last year, I started accommodating IPEN signings for Amrock. The cost for a digital certificate (Apr. 2023) was $77. I just received notification that my digital certificate is scheduled to expire in April. Looked into the cost. Yep ... that's gone up too! This year, that fee is $81.

For IPEN, I don't print docs. I do, however, provide my laptop and the (annual) digital certificate. Yes, these items can be claimed on my taxes.

Regardless ... my $200 IPEN fee reflects the convenience of my services going to the borrower(s) at their appointed time and location, my providing the necessary technology to accommodate said IPEN, providing my expertise (experience and knowledge of documents).

Doesn't matter what you can write off on your taxes. My recommendation to all NSAs is to NOT sell yourself short. Take into account all factors of an assignment and charge accordingly. Your fees reflect the professional that your are.

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Messages in this Thread
 Another business expense -  Yoli/CA on 2/7/24 12:34pm
 Wise words, Yoli. Thank you n/m - Linda_H/FL on 2/7/24 2:50pm
 Brava, Yoli! Well said, well done - and so true! n/m -  JanetK_CA on 2/7/24 3:56pm
 Re: Another business expense - Sheryl/TX on 2/9/24 5:38pm

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