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Re: Prestige Notaries strikes again. AVOID them!!!
Posted by Mills Mobile Notary Service of OR on 2/17/24 1:13pm Msg #647776

Sorry its took so long to respond your good point about this signing. I probably should not have accepted the initial order for purchase and sale for $150 - too low. Should have countered at least $200 but it was very local and I normally have to travel a lot due my location in small town. The point of my post was changing any fee after the signing was was performed is wrong and for other to avoid Prestige.

Prestige actually apologized about the changing the fee, but blamed the title company for describing the order wrong, and made no effect to readjust my fee. I replied that for them it was much easier to reduce my fee, than point out an error by their much more valuable client.

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Messages in this Thread
 Prestige Notaries strikes again. AVOID them!!! - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 2/12/24 3:11pm
 Re: Prestige Notaries strikes again. AVOID them!!! - SteveS/CA on 2/12/24 5:59pm
 Re: Prestige Notaries strikes again. AVOID them!!! -  Yoli/CA on 2/13/24 9:15am
 Re: Prestige Notaries strikes again. AVOID them!!! - Mills Mobile Notary Service on 2/17/24 1:13pm
 Re: Prestige Notaries strikes again. AVOID them!!! - SteveS/CA on 2/17/24 3:21pm

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