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Re: 21st year NR Subscription Renewal
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 2/17/24 5:37pm Msg #647781
I've heard the biggest concern is that the ground in many places is still pretty saturated, so it can't absorb much more, if anything, which translates to run-off and big potential for flooding. Frown I suspect lots of homeowners all up and down the coast (and in canyons, especially past burn areas) are biting their nails (or at least crossing fingers).

There were mandatory evacuations in the canyons with last storms, but so far haven't heard of that happening again near here. (Rain isn't forecast to arrive down here until Monday.)
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Messages in this Thread
 21st year NR Subscription Renewal -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/17/24 9:20am
 Re: 21st year NR Subscription Renewal - SteveS/CA on 2/17/24 11:44am
 Re: 21st year NR Subscription Renewal -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/17/24 3:00pm
 Re: 21st year NR Subscription Renewal - SteveS/CA on 2/17/24 3:16pm
 Re: 21st year NR Subscription Renewal -  JanetK_CA on 2/17/24 5:37pm
 Re: 21st year NR Subscription Renewal -  Cheryl Elliott on 2/18/24 10:51am

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