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Re: Is FASS (1st American Signature Services) still in business?
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 3/17/24 12:14pm Msg #648006
I am also on the JOT database.

The two recent blast offers from them were: 1) Mar. 1st for seller's package on Mar. 2nd with full scan backs. Signing location was an hour's drive from me. All for a $100 fee. 2) Mar. 14th for a Mar. 18th out of office seller's package with full scan backs. Signing location is a 2-3 hours' drive from me. This can be had for a whopping $90. I do have to say that on this last one, they advised this was a split signing. So, they may be allowing for fee for the separate signing. Doesn't make it right -- just a possible explanation.

Both offers were for First American Title. If you'll note, the #2 offer did specify out of office while the #1 offer did not. Not sure if signings are usually in-office unless otherwise specified.

Haven't worked with them yet so can't speak to their payment history.

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Messages in this Thread
 Is FASS (1st American Signature Services) still in business? - Lee/AR on 3/17/24 8:03am
 Re: Is FASS (1st American Signature Services) still in business? -  Cheryl Elliott on 3/17/24 10:47am
 Re: Is FASS (1st American Signature Services) still in business? -  Yoli/CA on 3/17/24 12:14pm
 Re: Is FASS (1st American Signature Services) still in business? - Mamacita/Wa on 3/27/24 5:03pm
 Question for Mamacity/Wa -  Yoli/CA on 3/28/24 11:28am
 Re: Question for Mamacita/Wa (sorry for typo above) n/m -  Yoli/CA on 3/28/24 11:29am

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