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Re: Former Notary
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 3/30/24 10:52am Msg #648103
Hi Doris and welcome back!

To help you, here's the link to your SOS regarding applying for your commission.

As Ilene stated, if you're coming back to offer signing services for real estate, this is a slow time. If that is the case and you currently have a job, I would suggest keeping that job and offer your notary services in your spare time. Yes, it is that slow for most people in most regions.

Good luck! Smile
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Messages in this Thread
 Former Notary - Doris Wolf on 3/29/24 8:59pm
 Re: Former Notary -  Ilene C. Seidel on 3/30/24 6:03am
 Re: Former Notary -  Yoli/CA on 3/30/24 10:52am

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