SLB has a 4-1/2 star rating in SC. They're easy to work with insofar as no hand-holding. Their fees are so-so.
On 2/29/2008, Sherry (the owner) posted this Msg #237644.
On 6/3/2008, Sherry posted Msg #249815.
Notice both posts mention paying the notary 10-14 days post closing?
Given their SC rating, I've worked with them a few times.
1. Signed 10/31/22, paid 12/5/22; 2. Signed 11/2/23, paid 12/9/23; and, 3. Signed 2/28/24, payment due 3/29/24 not yet received.
Because of delayed payment the first couple of times, I had my invoicing system send them a reminder a week prior to due date. No response. Just today (3/30/24), sent them a reminder that they are overdue. For everyone else who has worked with SLB: Does your experience mirror mine?