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Re: Right Hand Service - No Pay/Slow Pay
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 4/29/24 8:06pm Msg #648340
Thanks for posting this information. I didn't see them in Signing Central, so if you can, please also add them and code as a national company so everyone can see it.

It's tough to know whether these companies (and there are way too many of them) do this intentionally to commit fraud or if it's just a very poorly run business and/or really bad money management. Sadly, the result is the same for the person they owe. Frown

The lesson, of course, is that we can't be too careful with checking out the companies we work for. We also need to be cautious about getting in too deep with a company until they have a track record of paying. Unfortunately, based on what I've read here, it seems the MO with many bad apples is to get a new-to-them notary to do a number of assignments within a fairly short period of time before they have a chance to figure out they won't be getting paid. If it's an area with lots of notaries, the chances are even higher, as they'll always be able to find a new victim... That's why Signing Central is such a great tool. (I pay special attention to newer posts.)
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Messages in this Thread
 Right Hand Service - No Pay/Slow Pay - BCLGroup on 4/29/24 9:43am
 Re: Right Hand Service - No Pay/Slow Pay - BCLGroup on 4/29/24 9:45am
 Re: Right Hand Service - No Pay/Slow Pay -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/29/24 10:21am
 Re: Right Hand Service - No Pay/Slow Pay - BCLGroup on 4/29/24 1:05pm
 Re: Right Hand Service - No Pay/Slow Pay -  Cheryl Elliott on 4/30/24 8:22am
 Re: Right Hand Service - No Pay/Slow Pay - Mike Goodey on 4/29/24 1:50pm
 Re: Right Hand Service - No Pay/Slow Pay -  JanetK_CA on 4/29/24 8:06pm
 Re: Right Hand Service - No Pay/Slow Pay - pdl/cali on 5/5/24 8:30pm

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