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A job opportunity
Posted by Mike Goodey of CA on 5/6/24 6:49pm Msg #648399
Got a text at 12:30 today for a sining in Chino Hills at 2pm. The message 'Good Afternoon Mike! This is Ashley from "". I was hoping you were available today @2pm to do a loan Purchase at location: ...Wandering Ridge Way Chino Hills 91709.Thanks!"
So instead of just saying "Yes" I replied "Depending on fee, number of pages and notarizations." Still waiting for
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Messages in this Thread
 A job opportunity - Mike Goodey on 5/6/24 6:49pm
 Re: A job opportunity - Bear900/CA on 5/6/24 8:51pm
 Why bother with determining details--someone will accept it. - Lee/AR on 5/6/24 9:30pm
 Re: Why bother with determining details--someone will accept it. - pdl/cali on 5/6/24 9:32pm

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