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Re: AT&T no longer ger supporting Yahoo Mail
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 6/3/24 7:41pm Msg #648555
Weird. I may have the opposite situation from you. I've had an AT&T email account (among others) for many years and was informed a good while back that Yahoo was taking over AT&T's email servicing. (That account has an domain and is still working.) I did a quick search and didn't find any news about outages or changes in their relationship. Have you received any communications from either of those companies?

Just clutching at straws here, but these are the only things I can think of to try:
Are you able to access that email account (i.e. via webmail and/or app) from another device?
Does it show up at all in whatever email app you're using on your cell?
Could that app (or others) need updating?
If nothing else works, you might try deleting (if still there) and reinstalling that account onto your phone.

If none of these questions lead anywhere, perhaps you could check with your cell phone carrier, or the company where you bought the phone, for additional help. Actually, I'd probably do that before deleting anything, if that account still shows active on your phone.

Hope you get it working again soon!
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Messages in this Thread
 AT&T no longer ger supporting Yahoo Mail -  Cheryl Elliott on 6/3/24 5:39pm
 Re: AT&T no longer ger supporting Yahoo Mail -  JanetK_CA on 6/3/24 7:41pm
 Re: AT&T no longer ger supporting Yahoo Mail -  Cheryl Elliott on 6/3/24 9:03pm

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