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Follow up with your contacts
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 6/10/24 9:29am Msg #648614
Last Friday, I had a call from a new-to-me TC for a signing this week. After a lengthy conversation, with all pertinent questions answered, EO said he'd be emailing me my confirmation. Nothing on Friday. Nothing over the weekend. I called him this morning. He recalled our conversation and said he'd sent me the information. Oops! He never hit the "Send" tab. Confirmation received immediately.

Initially, I thought oh well ... he shopped around and found someone else. Then, I thought just call and find out for sure. Bingo! Smile

By the way, he found me here on Notary Rotary. Smile

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 Follow up with your contacts -  Yoli/CA on 6/10/24 9:29am

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