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Re: Yep, seems to be a trend...
Posted by Linda Frezza of FL on 7/22/24 12:58pm Msg #648898
These people that call us for a signing are located from California to Las Vegas to Miami and have no idea where these signing agents are - they just send a blast and take the lowest bid - not getting that, they will raise what they will pay until they find someone. Who, where or even what we are or know is not important to them - they are just looking for a warm body most times so they can be done and go home early and if they find someone under what the title co or lender will pay they keep the rest for themselves. That's my take.
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Messages in this Thread
 Pondering the thoughtlessness or insanity... - Lee/AR on 7/16/24 1:57pm
 Yep, seems to be a trend... -  JanetK_CA on 7/16/24 4:45pm
 Re: Yep, seems to be a trend... - Linda Frezza on 7/22/24 12:58pm
 Re: Pondering the thoughtlessness or insanity... -  CPNS2006 on 7/25/24 6:41pm
 Re: Pondering the thoughtlessness or insanity... -  Expeditor on 7/31/24 5:16pm
 Re: Pondering the thoughtlessness or insanity... - SteveS/CA on 8/4/24 11:12am

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