I don't have any answers, but I think you have two valid questions - which prompt a third one from me: What, exactly, is it that the news said digital IDs are OK for in CA? As we know, there are various standards for different ID requirements, the most commonly discussed lately being the upcoming need for a "Real ID" to get on a plane. They accept digital boarding passes so I'm gonna guess that's what you heard, but IDK.
As a notary, the ID issue I run into the most, just for example, is the difference between what qualifies to drive legally (including a paper renewal form) and what is acceptable for "satisfactory evidence" for us to use for notarization purposes (NOT including a paper renewal form). Then there's the issue of foreign passports and foreign driver licenses with no physical description, both of which I've recently run into. (I'm not aware of anything that's changed in terms of what we, as California notaries, can accept for valid ID - including digital IDs.)