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Yes, I think you're right
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 8/28/24 2:54pm Msg #649146
The class action is probably related to the alleged(?) link between use of talcum powder and ovarian cancer. I didn't bother to look up details, but it may be similar (at least in concept) to the mesothelioma law suits for asbestos exposure. Billions of dollars have been set aside for those cases, to the point where there are law firms specializing in just that. (We've probably all seen the commercials.)

If the set-asides from Johnson & Johnson come anywhere close to those, it wouldn't surprise me if certain attorney firms become like ambulance chasers eager to find potential clients to get a piece of the action. Perhaps they're looking for ovarian cancer victims who are still alive. Also, just a guess, maybe how much they can sue for is influenced by the amount of financial losses they've incurred. (That's true for medical malpractice in California, but no idea if that would apply to these types of cases.) That MIGHT explain the pics of houses, etc., but it does seem like a stretch...

I agree with Mike's assessment. Unlikely I'd be interested, especially for that kind of money.
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Messages in this Thread
 From a law office - Mike Goodey on 8/26/24 3:38pm
 VT authorizes ONE PART of this - VT_Syrup on 8/26/24 3:51pm
 What in the world does any of that have to do - Linda_H/FL on 8/26/24 4:34pm
 Re: Talcum powder - VT_Syrup on 8/26/24 5:41pm
 Some day I'll learn not to post with my kindle - Linda_H/FL on 8/27/24 9:03am
 Yes, I think you're right -  JanetK_CA on 8/28/24 2:54pm
 Re: From a law office -  Expeditor on 9/9/24 12:02am

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