After four years of doing this, I have finally just sworn off doing loan signings. I cannot handle the poor, unprofessional treatment. Yesterday I did an option purchase agreement for a title company and after I finished the signing, I was told the entire file would be changing. I was asked to go home, shred the signed file, print the new one, and go back for a second signing. I'd get a print and trip fee, and this is the best title company I've worked for over the years. It's way too insulting for me. The original fee was $125 but the second signing would just get me the print and trip fee, whatever that is. IT's no longer worth the anguish. The worst part is the poor communication on their side. I can't get my questions answered and end up having my entire day revolve around waiting for questions to be answered. I can make much more doing gnw assignments with little headaches. |