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Have any FL notaries been contacted by FPL to notarize an
Posted by  Teresa/FL of FL on 9/11/24 10:50am Msg #649236
"Easement Form"?

They found me here on NotRot and it seemed to be a straightforward GNW assignment, except for the notarial certificate part of the form. It shows an acknowledgement but then adds the jurat wording with instructions to print the notary's name in the jurat. The form shows in following information:

Acknowledgement (standard wording for Florida)


Jurat (standard wording for Florida)

Notary Signature block (only one signature block provided)

The venue is shown only once, at the beginning of the Acknowledgement. They included the word "AND" and both the Acknowledgement and Jurat have check boxes for physical presence or online notarization. I inserted the signers' names in both certificates but they are asking me to cross through their names in the Jurat and print my name instead. Of course I refused.

Anyway, just wanting to know if anyone else has been contacted and if they also questioned instructions regarding this
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Messages in this Thread
 Have any FL notaries been contacted by FPL to notarize an -  Teresa/FL on 9/11/24 10:50am
 Re: Have any FL notaries been contacted by FPL to notarize an - Lee/AR on 9/11/24 11:07am
 Re: Have any FL notaries been contacted by FPL to notarize an -  Teresa/FL on 9/11/24 11:17am
 Re: Have any FL notaries been contacted by FPL to notarize an - VT_Syrup on 9/11/24 3:28pm
 Re: Have any FL notaries been contacted by FPL to notarize an - Pamela/CA on 9/16/24 2:41pm
 Re: Do you replace the certificate(s) with CA certs? -  Teresa/FL on 9/16/24 5:49pm
 Re: Do you replace the certificate(s) with CA certs? -  JanetK_CA on 9/27/24 5:39pm
 Re: Do you replace the certificate(s) with CA certs? - VT_Syrup on 9/28/24 10:41am

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