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Re: Can be lots of things...
Posted by VT_Syrup of VT on 9/18/24 10:33am Msg #649289
I agree with Lee/AR, but just want to warn to not go too far. Many states license home inspectors; these are the people who go through a home for potential homebuyers, and issue a report on all the problems they found, like there's a crack in the foundation, a leak in the furnace, and some electric receptacles are incorrectly wired. Doing that requires training and appropriate insurance.

In principle, the licenses of professional engineers and architects would allow them to do home inspections of the kind I just described, but I've never heard of any that do.
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Messages in this Thread
 What is inspection? - Ian Bowen on 9/18/24 2:12am
 Can be lots of things... - Lee/AR on 9/18/24 7:08am
 Re: Can be lots of things... - VT_Syrup on 9/18/24 10:33am

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