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Jeremy's 123 not working... WHAT IS HAPPENING?
Posted by  TerrieG/CA of CA on 9/22/24 1:26pm Msg #649308
Since Carmen passed away years ago, Jeremy's site has been in a slowly disintergrating death spiral. Took me a while just to figure out how to even get his URL to load (my stored link sure didn't work), and then had to try a few different google search attempts to even get to a link that worked (some searches just went to 404 Pg Not Found). Finally I got to his main page. Even though the page of results showed up, clicking on any of the notaries listed took me to a Page Not Found situation.

Nothing I can do about my own lost membership fees, but if you are considering renewing or signing up, BE CAREFUL

or am I missing something??? advice anyone?
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Messages in this Thread
 Jeremy's 123 not working... WHAT IS HAPPENING? -  TerrieG/CA on 9/22/24 1:26pm
 Re: Jeremy - Yoli/CA on 9/23/24 8:52am
 Re: Jeremy -  Ilene C. Seidel on 10/6/24 7:12pm

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