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Re: Fedex using RON
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 9/28/24 5:01pm Msg #649359
That's good to hear - at least for the near to medium term. RON is likely cheaper here for most folks than a mobile notary, until you get to at least 2 or 3+ signatures. Of course, that point is going to vary significantly from state to state - and even notary to notary.

Longer term, as today's younger generations who are much more used to doing everything online become more of the potential customer base, that may change. (Technical issues will also probably improve over time.) For the older set like us, it likely won't matter much, but here's a heads up to the younger folks reading here who are still thinking of this as a long term career choice... It's probably wise to keep abreast of changes in the industry and perhaps have a back-up plan for the future. Wink

(And for those of us in CA, just a reminder that participation in RON won't be possible until some time after 2030, unless the law changes again.)

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Messages in this Thread
 Fedex using RON - Yoli/CA on 9/25/24 10:56am
 Seems to be just a link to Notarize from FedEx site - Lee/AR on 9/25/24 2:29pm
 Re: Seems to be just a link to Notarize from FedEx site - Yoli/CA on 9/25/24 2:35pm
 Re: Seems to be just a link to Notarize from FedEx site -  Roger_OH on 9/25/24 9:01pm
 Re: Fedex using RON -  JanetK_CA on 9/25/24 6:32pm
 Re: Fedex using RON -  Roger_OH on 9/28/24 2:13pm
 Re: Fedex using RON -  JanetK_CA on 9/28/24 5:01pm
 Re: Fedex using RON -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/28/24 9:27pm
 Re: Fedex using RON - Leo_FL on 9/26/24 8:46am

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