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Posted by  Cheryl Elliott of CA on 9/28/24 9:22pm Msg #649361
The worst part about the deception they practice is the org encourages their membership to donate to their causes. We can all choose to donate to the cause and without behind the NNA curtain.

I am sure the membership has dwindled substantially.
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Messages in this Thread
 NNA - Daniel Downing on 9/28/24 11:31am
 Re: NNA - Yoli/CA on 9/28/24 12:25pm
 Re: NNA -  JanetK_CA on 9/28/24 5:11pm
 Re: NNA -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/28/24 9:22pm
 doubt a decrease, considering who is 'influencer of the yr' n/m - Lee/AR on 9/28/24 9:36pm
 You hit the nail on the head, Lee.. Same tricks, new era. n/m - Alz on 10/1/24 8:35pm
 Re: NNA - SteveS/CA on 9/29/24 10:57am
 Re: NNA - Jans04 on 9/29/24 1:19pm
 Re: NNA -  Cheryl Elliott on 9/29/24 3:43pm
 Re: NNA - Vegyes/VA on 9/29/24 7:47pm
 Agree. It's deliberately randomized & wildly inaccurate. - Lee/AR on 9/29/24 9:38pm
 Re: Agree. It - Vegyes/VA on 10/1/24 1:21pm
 Re: Good morning Dan! You and others are waking up. - Matt Miller on 9/30/24 9:03am
 Re: Good morning Dan! You and others are waking up. - Vegyes/VA on 10/1/24 1:21pm

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