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Need a few more to report! I did.
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 10/30/24 11:59pmMsg #649564
Not only blatant advertising, but for a business in direct competition with this site, and against user guidelines. Come on, folks... Out of respect for Notary Rotary owners, let's get several more reports. It's easy.
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Messages in this Thread
 Message Deleted - User from on 10/28/24 1:43pm
 Reported for Advertising - see Rules & Guidelines above n/m -  Yoli/CA on 10/28/24 1:50pm too...reported for Advertising - BLATANT Advertising n/m - Linda_H/FL on 10/28/24 1:51pm
 LOL! WVBikerChick so professional! n/m - anotaryinva on 10/28/24 5:20pm
 Re: LOL! WVBikerChick so professional! - anotaryinva on 10/28/24 5:23pm
 Re: Get Listed! Free, $39/Year, or $99 Life -  Cheryl Elliott on 10/28/24 5:27pm
 Re: Get Listed! Free, $39/Year, or $99 Life -  Cheryl Elliott on 10/28/24 5:33pm
 Need a few more to report! I did. -  JanetK_CA on 10/30/24 11:59pm
 Re: Need a few more to report! I did. Me, too 10/31 AM n/m - Lee/AR on 10/31/24 1:57pm

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