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Re: Medallion Notary
Posted by FlaNotary2 of FL on 12/4/24 6:22pm Msg #649764
A medallion signature guarantee (often incorrectly referred to as a “medallion notary”) is only issued by banks; it is not something notary can or would want to do. By guaranteeing the signature the bank is financially backing the transaction and saying “if this signature turns out to be false, we will pay”. Notaries aren’t even eligible to apply for medallion status; you have to either be a bank officer or an attorney. Also, banks that aren’t part of the medallion program may still be able to issue a generic signature guarantee.

Protests have nothing to do with signature guarantees. Protests are an authorized duty of notaries in many states. A protest is a certificate made by a notary public, on information satisfactory to the notary, which certifies that a check or promissory note was presented to the bank for payment/acceptance and was dishonored by nonpayment/nonacceptance. A lot of tax evaders, sovereign citizens, etc. try to use a very incorrect interpretation of the UCC to issue “protests” (really just nonsensical demands) to government agencies and officials.For this reason I usually recommend that only notaries who work for a bank or an attorney should issue a protest.
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Messages in this Thread
 Medallion Notary -  Yoli/CA on 11/25/24 12:35pm
 Re: Medallion Notary -  walthtz on 11/25/24 2:08pm
 Re: Medallion Notary -- exactly, walthtz -  Yoli/CA on 11/25/24 3:00pm
 Re: Medallion Notary - Leo_FL on 12/1/24 11:26am
 Re: Medallion Notary - FlaNotary2 on 12/4/24 6:22pm
 Re: Medallion Notary -  Expeditor on 12/4/24 10:22pm

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