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Notary Ping
Posted by  Yoli/CA of CA on 12/9/24 10:12am Msg #649798
The mischievous elves were at it again. Woke up this morning. Checked my phone and VOILA! Notary Ping app was added some time during the night. Of course, it's asking for payment of $9.99 per month (was $29.99 last year - see thread starting with Msg #647440) that can be made by Apple Pay (already pre-checked) or any other method you want.

I don't recall searching for this app much less downloading it. Click <REMOVE APP>.
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Messages in this Thread
 Notary Ping -  Yoli/CA on 12/9/24 10:12am
 Re: Notary Ping - VT_Syrup on 12/9/24 10:55am
 Re: Notary Ping -  Yoli/CA on 12/9/24 10:59am
 Notary Ping-How do they just almost download it w/o request? - Lee/AR on 12/10/24 9:30am
 Re: Notary Ping-How do they just almost download it w/o request? -  Yoli/CA on 12/11/24 1:28pm
 Notary Ping is the most insane idea anyway. - Lee/AR on 12/9/24 4:16pm

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