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I met the nicest couple
Posted by  canotaryhere of CA on 12/24/24 6:04am Msg #649881
had a signing at a starbucks. Older couple, the gentleman is in very early stages of dementia, but they were both very pleasant. Then a family came in, the youngest daughter started squealing , shreiking, kicking the chair and wall. None of the employees said a thing to them so I went over and asked the dad if he could quiet the child down because it was irritating my client. He acted all offended and his wife asked what I said so I went back over to her and repeated myself. They both got irate and the family left but the dad said "she's only 3 I bet you acted like that when you were 3" well no because when I was 3 I knew better, as did all 4 of my kids. The clients were appreciative of the fact that I did something about it. A little while later, one of the starbucks employees came over and told me I should have run to them instead. Why? They were right there when the kid was acting up and they didn't do a thing.
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Messages in this Thread
 I met the nicest couple -  canotaryhere on 12/24/24 6:04am
 Re: I met the nicest couple -  Cheryl Elliott on 12/24/24 10:25am
 Re: I met the nicest couple -  canotaryhere on 1/6/25 5:15pm
 Re: I met the nicest couple -  Notary/ on 1/8/25 6:06pm

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