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SC ambiquity
Posted by Roanna Skelley of SC on 1/12/25 10:40am Msg #649960
If anyone understand ambiguity it would be SC.
Signing Platforms that still request Notaries (and Notaries performing the acts) to perform closings for buyers- sellers in an Attorney State.
My 3rd year of being a Notary. I do refuse these. I have written to SOS multiple times and again today.
I am under the impression that if the real estate is not a SC property, but owners are vacationing or transplanted here we are permitted to close. (as long as the state is not an attorney state).
Ill take any feedback on what someone else knows...Thank you
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Messages in this Thread
 SC ambiquity - Roanna Skelley on 1/12/25 10:40am
 My understanding from reading here and elsewhere - Linda_H/FL on 1/13/25 9:37am

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