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Re: OT - Any Spidey Fans Still Up?
Posted by LauriecPA of PA on 5/4/07 9:51am Msg #188774
I know this has been discussed at length many times, about how the phone rings for an assignment right after you make plans to do's like Murphy's law.
Well, I won passes to the Spiderman movie screening through a radio promotion and not even 5 min. later I got a call for a closing for a town about 2 miles away that would have made it impossible to make it to the movie on time. I thought for a minute that if I took the closing, I would have $$$ to go to a lot of movies, but then again, the closing could be cancelled...and the theaters are going to be so crowded and we'll never get to see ended up going with Spidey! lol

(I did have a 5pm closing that at 6PM the creepy ex husband finally signed his two lousy docs so I could make it on time!)
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Messages in this Thread
 OT - Any Spidey Fans Still Up? -  Dennis D Broadbooks on 5/4/07 3:14am
 Re: OT - Any Spidey Fans Still Up? -  BrendaTx on 5/4/07 5:53am
 This Was a Reward... -  Dennis D Broadbooks on 5/4/07 8:06am
 Re: This Was a Reward... - LauriecPA on 5/4/07 8:13am
 Re: OT - Any Spidey Fans Still Up? - trnsa_IL on 5/4/07 8:40am
 Re: OT - Any Spidey Fans Still Up? - LauriecPA on 5/4/07 9:51am
 Along Those Lines... -  Dennis D Broadbooks on 5/4/07 10:14am
 Hey Dennis, I can relate... -  lenelle/FL on 5/4/07 11:02am
 My phone never rings as much as it does when I'm away on - LauriecPA on 5/4/07 12:11pm
 Ditto for me. -  cassiewi on 5/4/07 12:35pm

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