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Another Unlawful Request
Posted by mimi_NJ of NJ on 12/7/04 2:48pm Msg #12895
At a signing last night, I was asked to notarize the borrower's signature on the Deed. This would have been okay except he has an exwife in Michigan who also needs to sign the Deed. The lender wanted me to just notarize his signature and he (the borrower) would send the deed to his ex for signing. How crazy is that???? Once I left he could have signed her name or had someone else sign. How should this be handled with the wife in another state? She could make the ex her power of attorney????
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Messages in this Thread
 Another Unlawful Request - mimi_NJ on 12/7/04 2:48pm
 Re: Another Unlawful Request - Derrick/MT on 12/7/04 3:02pm
 Re: Another Unlawful Request -  PAW Notary Services on 12/7/04 3:05pm
 Re: Another Unlawful Request - FLNOTARY on 12/7/04 3:10pm
 Re: Another Unlawful Request - BrendaKhan-FL on 12/7/04 5:33pm
 Re: Another Unlawful Request - APS-HI on 12/7/04 6:44pm

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