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Re: Notary inspection form
Posted by  HisHughness of TX on 12/8/04 10:40pm Msg #13075
The homes which signing agents are asked to inspect are typically mobile homes, and the loans for which the signing agent has been asked to visually inspect the property probably are loans on personal property, not real property.

Again, the lenders are not asking for a termite certificate, or an engineering validation of construction soundness. They want to know there are not holes where the kitchen sink and the bathroom toilet should be, that you can't see the sky through the ceiling, and that the floor did not cave in under you before you left.

You are the lender's eyes on the site. If they thought an engineer's eyes were necessary, they would hire an engineer. They just want to know that all the cows they bought are indeed in the barn. Or the feedlot. Or the meat locker.
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 Notary inspection form - SuzyQofAL on 12/7/04 5:23pm
 Re: Notary inspection form - cqrodriguez on 12/7/04 5:27pm
 Re: Notary inspection form -  BrendaTX on 12/7/04 5:57pm
 Re: Notary inspection form -  HisHughness on 12/7/04 6:26pm
 Re: Notary inspection form - SuzyQofAL on 12/7/04 7:48pm
 Re: Notary inspection form -  BrendaTX on 12/7/04 9:50pm
 Re: Notary inspection form - ZaraL319 on 12/7/04 7:22pm
 Re: Notary inspection form -  BrendaTX on 12/8/04 1:45am
 Re: Notary inspection form - ZARAL319 on 12/8/04 5:12pm
 Re: Notary inspection form -  HisHughness on 12/8/04 5:22pm
 Re: Notary inspection form -  BrendaTX on 12/8/04 7:27pm
 Re: Notary inspection form - Maureen/nh on 12/8/04 7:32am
 Re: Notary inspection form - SuzyQofAL on 12/8/04 8:33am
 Re: Notary inspection form - Paul_IL on 12/8/04 4:48pm
 Re: Notary inspection form - Mortgage Closers of San Antonio - Kenneth C Whitton Jr on 12/8/04 8:56pm
 Re: Notary inspection form -  HisHughness on 12/8/04 10:40pm
 Here's a scary thought... -  BrendaTX on 12/9/04 1:51am
 Re: Notary inspection form - Paul_IL on 12/9/04 9:29pm
 Re: Notary inspection form - Gregg Amicon on 1/7/05 12:59am

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