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Re: Number of signings
Posted by  PJM/MI of MI on 9/2/07 8:44am Msg #209130
Worst month I've had since Jan. '06. If it weren't for other work, I'd be putting my own "FOR SALE" sign in the front yard!
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Messages in this Thread
 Number of signings - Johna/NY on 9/1/07 9:44pm
 Re: Number of signings -  PJM/MI on 9/2/07 8:44am
 Re: Number of signings - Teddog/CO on 9/2/07 12:32pm
 Re: Hey Teddog how ya doin? n/m -  LkArrowhd/CA on 9/2/07 10:02pm
 Horrible month and year so far n/m -  ME/NJ on 9/3/07 5:22pm
 Re: Horrible month and year so far - esalinas on 9/4/07 3:54am
 Re: Horrible month and year so far - Kevin/Ct on 9/4/07 6:28am
 Re: Horrible month and year so far - BetsyMI on 9/4/07 8:34am

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