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Re: Yes, the SS posted personal infomration, yes, NR took care
Posted by SoCal Signing Co. of CA on 8/16/08 3:15am Msg #260283
all very good questions
I do not think you’re on mark completely, as my company has approvals from TC that were earned.
I do have safeguards set in place, and we do have written policy.

But I will say, certainly not like what you Charles have to go through.
I understand your point, and its well taken.

You are right as in any field there are those that start and run business with wrong motives and agendas that are ethically wrong.
We do however, need to watch the reforms carefully
it could affect more than just signing companies.
it could put an end to mobile signings agents all together.
We recently become approved to be the signing company for a Texas group of title companies.
They were sued because a borrower and a notary got together and forged a spouses signature. In the end the Title Company who sent the docs overnight to the signing agent had to pay $156k in damages to the spouse. Because of this they were going to do away with signing agents and sign only in house.
Our company had to prove ourselves legitimate to gain their trust.
We had to have some standards to meet.

No special certifications, Licenses, or permits other than local permits, and the wonderful taxes each branch of government allows us to donate although they do not prove ligitamacy
but help show good faith that they want to be around a while.

We are held to more than self imposed standards as illegal business practices have more than civil ramifications attached to them

But those certifications you have to go through are way more stringent than ours granted

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 Msg #260202 -  MistarellaFL on 8/15/08 2:15pm
 OMG! - Did you you ask Harry to remove that post? n/m -  Tess on 8/15/08 2:55pm
 Grrr! Did you ask.... n/m -  Tess on 8/15/08 3:04pm
 Re: Grrr! Did you ask.... - Encarnacion-Kilgore - Steve on 8/15/08 3:13pm
 OMFG... I cannot believe him or his attitude.... I hope all - ZeeCA on 8/15/08 3:13pm
 Re: OMFG... I cannot believe him or his attitude.... I hope all - Encarnacion-Kilgore - Steve on 8/15/08 3:22pm
 Re: OMFG... I cannot believe him or his attitude.... I hope all - ZeeCA on 8/15/08 3:28pm
 Re: OMFG... I cannot believe him or his attitude.... I hope all - Encarnacion-Kilgore - Steve on 8/15/08 3:33pm
 Re: OMFG... I cannot believe him or his attitude.... I hope all -  Glenn Strickler on 8/15/08 3:49pm
 Re: OMFG... I cannot believe him or his attitude.... I hope all - SunsetSignin on 8/15/08 4:39pm
 Call, meaning using the land line .... -  Glenn Strickler on 8/15/08 5:15pm
 Re: OMFG... I cannot believe him or his attitude.... I hope all - SoCal Signing Co. on 8/15/08 7:55pm
 Re: Msg #260202 - Encarnacion-Kilgore - Steve on 8/15/08 3:45pm
 This is the basic problem with Signing Services and TCs need -  Charles_Ca on 8/15/08 5:40pm
 Re: This is the basic problem with Signing Services and TCs need -  Stamper_WI on 8/15/08 6:31pm
 Re: This is the basic problem with Signing Services and TCs need - SoCal Signing Co. on 8/15/08 7:52pm
 Yes, the SS posted personal infomration, yes, NR took care -  Charles_Ca on 8/15/08 8:26pm
 Re: Yes, the SS posted personal infomration, yes, NR took care - SoCal Signing Co. on 8/16/08 3:15am
 I wojld have expected this from your company... -  Charles_Ca on 8/17/08 1:26pm
 Re: Msg #260202 -  Lori/IN on 8/15/08 5:41pm
 Re: Msg #260202 - SunsetSignin on 8/16/08 10:24am
 Please see message #260256 above n/m -  Dianne Pickard on 8/15/08 5:47pm
 ATTENTION URGENTLY NEEDED, HARRY -  Dianne Pickard on 8/15/08 9:34pm
 Re: I might be a little slowwww - Pat/IL on 8/16/08 1:13am
 your not slow wow - SoCal Signing Co. on 8/16/08 2:53am
 Re: I might be a little slowwww - - a little long but... -  BrendaTx on 8/16/08 6:36am
 Where was the urgency in June when the original -  Philip Johnson on 8/16/08 8:09am
 Re: Where was the urgency in June when the original -  Dianne Pickard on 8/16/08 9:13am
 Re: Where was the urgency : It was dated 8/15 n/m - ZeeCA on 8/16/08 10:59am
 Re: Where was the urgency : It was dated 8/15 -  MistarellaFL on 8/16/08 11:29am
 Her "Urgent " said she found another instance -  Linda_H/FL on 8/16/08 11:37am
 NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER - SoCal Signing Co. on 8/16/08 11:50am
 LISA: -AM SURE THE TC WOULD LOVE IT IF YOU PUB'D IT ALL n/m - ZeeCA on 8/16/08 12:02pm
 what does that mean? - SoCal Signing Co. on 8/16/08 12:37pm
 Re: what does that mean? -  BrendaTx on 8/17/08 2:09pm
 No one faults any SS for the faultering in the industry -  MistarellaFL on 8/17/08 4:29pm
 Re: No one faults any SS for the faultering in the industry -  BrendaTx on 8/17/08 5:06pm
 Re: NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER -  MistarellaFL on 8/16/08 12:31pm
 Re: NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER - SoCal Signing Co. on 8/16/08 12:42pm
 What message might that be? -  Dianne Pickard on 8/16/08 1:31pm
 Can we put this to bed now? Thanks! -  Dianne Pickard on 8/16/08 1:44pm
 good night, sleep well :) n/m - SoCal Signing Co. on 8/16/08 1:47pm
 Dianne - SoCal Signing Co. on 8/16/08 1:45pm
 Lisa, your post makes no sense... -  Linda_H/FL on 8/16/08 12:39pm
 Linda - SoCal Signing Co. on 8/16/08 12:49pm
 THAT'S a little clearer...Gotcha!! n/m -  Linda_H/FL on 8/16/08 12:53pm
 Re: Her "Urgent " said she found another instance -  Dianne Pickard on 8/16/08 12:28pm

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