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Re: A little humor...
Posted by  Stamper_WI of WI on 5/29/09 10:26pm Msg #290471
Actually not so unusual. My old farmhouse was added onto over the years. Everytime anyone would do anything to the house, they'd sign and date the studs. Also put things in the walls. "vegtable painkiller" seemed to be a popular item. I found a roughly carved wooden figure in one wall. My name is in those walls too.
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Messages in this Thread
 A little humor... -  Marian_in_CA on 5/29/09 7:19pm
 Re: A little humor... -  Stamper_WI on 5/29/09 7:24pm
 Re: A little humor... - Jessc098 on 5/29/09 10:03pm
 Re: A little humor... -  MW/VA on 5/29/09 10:06pm
 Re: A little humor... -  Stamper_WI on 5/29/09 10:26pm
 Re: A little humor... -  MikeC/NY on 5/30/09 6:08pm
 Re: A little humor... - Robert Koehler on 5/31/09 4:10pm
 Re: A little humor... -  MikeC/NY on 5/31/09 4:22pm

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