Art, thanks for the spell check! Hadn't caught that one! I am in Contra Costa county. (bay area). Anyone out there from my area??? So, I called city hall who transfered me 3 times before I got a rude guy who said "anytime you do business you need a business license." I said, ok. where are you and I'll come down and get one. He said, did you get your fictitious business name? me-No, do I need one first? Him- well, it's a good idea. OK. to me that means I don't NEED one so why do you care if I have one?!! Then he asked for my address. I gave it and he said I needed to talk to zoning first about having one for the city. I said I already know I'm not in the city limits. I checked thier website and I won't need one for them. He says "yes, I can see that. I just pulled it up on my computer. But you should go there first." So I guess I'm going to the zoning office for someone to tell me what we all already know. Then I'll go get a new name that I don't need. So that I can get a licence that no one else has. But if I want to be Sylvia when I grow up, I'll get one! I think I need a drink now, except for it's only 11am and I don't drink! |