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Re: For Sylvia Re: Business License
Posted by Sylvia_FL of ? on 4/28/05 8:29pm Msg #34708
Most notaries in Florida are notaries because it is required for their employment.
But as an independent contractor for our mobile notary business we need to get a license.

Check with your city, that is how I found out that I needed to have a license.
BTW where in Florida are you located?
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Messages in this Thread
 For Sylvia Re: Business License - Paul2_FL on 4/28/05 7:56pm
 Re: For Sylvia Re: Business License - Stephen_VA on 4/28/05 8:23pm
 Re: For Sylvia Re: Business License - Sylvia_FL on 4/28/05 8:29pm
 Re: For Sylvia Re: Business License -  lorraine2 on 4/28/05 8:45pm
 Re: For Sylvia Re: Business License - Paul2_FL on 4/28/05 11:10pm
 Re: For Sylvia Re: Business License - Sylvia_FL on 4/28/05 11:45pm
 Re: For Sylvia Re: Business License - Paul2_FL on 4/29/05 4:28pm
 Re: For Sylvia Re: Business License - Big B on 4/29/05 10:32am
 Re: For Sylvia Re: Business License - Paul2_FL on 4/29/05 4:36pm

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