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Montgomery Home Title
Posted by Mary Pierce of PA on 5/11/05 1:59pm Msg #37149
How many of you have worked for this company? I've seen good and bad posts. I generally will not take a signing if I don't get paid if loan does not fund. Didn't realize until after I said yes and they sent me the confirmation stating so. I emailed them back and told them I need a guarantee of payment or no go. I am not wasting my time driving an hour and print docs and not get paid if the loan doesn't fund.
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Messages in this Thread
 Montgomery Home Title - Mary Pierce on 5/11/05 1:59pm
 Re: Montgomery Home Title - Margaret/Florida on 5/11/05 2:15pm
 Re: Montgomery Home Title - Mary Pierce on 5/11/05 2:40pm
 Re: Montgomery Home Title - Mary Pierce on 5/11/05 3:40pm

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