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Re: Hats off to CaliNotary!
Posted by CaliNotary of CA on 5/11/05 7:09pm Msg #37203
Heh. Yeah, anybody who knows me on this board knows that I'm only here to try to impress the rest of the board. By any means necessary. I thrive on the love and admiration that is thrown my way daily and would be crushed if anyone ever said an unkind word about me.

If it makes you feel any better, my Jan and Feb were pretty craptacular, I barely broke $3,000 in each of those months.
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Messages in this Thread
 Hats off to CaliNotary! - Anonymous on 5/11/05 4:16pm
 Re: Hats off to CaliNotary! - CaliNotary on 5/11/05 6:52pm
 Re: Hats off to CaliNotary! - SL_CA on 5/11/05 7:03pm
 Re: Hats off to CaliNotary! - CaliNotary on 5/11/05 7:11pm
 Re: Hats off to CaliNotary! - George_CO on 5/11/05 6:59pm
 Re: Hats off to CaliNotary! - CaliNotary on 5/11/05 7:09pm
 Re: Hats off to CaliNotary! - MaggieMae_CA on 5/11/05 7:53pm
 Re: Hats off to CaliNotary! -  BrendaTX on 5/11/05 8:20pm
 Hisssssssss (Claws coming out towards BrendaTX) - MaggieMae_CA on 5/11/05 8:25pm
 Re: Hisssssssss (Claws coming out towards BrendaTX) - CaliNotary on 5/11/05 10:41pm
 Re: Hisssssssss (Claws coming out towards BrendaTX) -  BrendaTX on 5/12/05 10:21pm
 Re: Hisssssssss (Claws coming out towards BrendaTX) - BrendaTX on 5/12/05 10:27pm
 Re: Hisssssssss (Claws coming out towards BrendaTX) - MaggieMae_CA on 5/13/05 12:27am
 Re: Hats off to CaliNotary! - CaliNotary on 5/11/05 10:36pm
 Re: Hats off to CaliNotary! -  missy_socal on 5/11/05 10:49pm
 Re: Hats off to CaliNotary! - Anonymous on 5/12/05 11:46am
 Re: Hats off to CaliNotary! - CaliNotary on 5/12/05 6:01pm
 Re: Hats off to CaliNotary! - Anonymous on 5/12/05 8:21pm

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