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agency agreement
Posted by LW/WI of ? on 5/11/05 7:30pm Msg #37210
i took a call today for a refi signing with edocs, agreed upon fee, only to get back to my office and find not only the confirmation email, but 30 additional pages i could fill out and send back to them in order to be paid. this agreement even had a no compete clause, for a very large agency, that if you get any signings from their originators, you will owe them a fee. i get alot of signings for countrywide loans such as this through many agencies, i hardly will agree not to take any without cutting them in. this seems to be happening more and more, a simple signing request turns into an attempt to have me join the agency as an independent, waste about an hour filling out papers, many of which are condescending and patronizing, with very basic notary info you had to pass to be certified anyway, and sending copies of everything but my shoe size, only to have the order cancel at the last minute and never hear from them again. i am afraid to mention the company, as i see they all can read this too, and really isnt just for notaries to exchange info, i dont want to shoot myself in the foot, but this is sooo frustrating, i had to vent. thanks for listening
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Messages in this Thread
 agency agreement - LW/WI on 5/11/05 7:30pm
 Re: agency agreement -  Sylvia_FL on 5/11/05 7:44pm
 Re: agency agreement - John / FL on 5/12/05 8:25am

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