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SwiftView: Aaarrrggghhh! HELP! Please?
Posted by Ernest_CT of ? on 5/13/05 7:23pm Msg #37636
I've never had a problem with PDF docs, or with nearly any other kind, for that matter. The first time I attempted to print the package the third page printed double its size (both horizontally and vertically). A call to DigitalDocs got the advice to use "Windows Print" mode. That fixed the size problem for the third page, but it took forever to print. (I'd ask the software to print two [2] copies; it printed three [3], but at that point I wasn't complaining.) I thanked the tech and hung up.

So far as I can tell (and believe me, I looked!) there is nowhere on the screen that says the page being displayed in number x of y. Only by invoking go-to-page-number did I find that there are 71 pages in the package. When I counted the printed pages, there are 64!

I spent 10 minutes trying to get through on DigitalDocs toll-free number. When I finally got a tech, he argued with me that the screen MUST have "page 3 of 71" somewhere on it. We went back and forth, him not believing me and I not believing him. His only "solution" was to print the pages 10 at a time.

Using the tech's "solution" will give me three copies of SOME pages, perhaps one copy of all the pages, and MAYBE a master set to compare.

What am I doing wrong??? I've been a software developer (design and development), first- through highest-level support person, and a computer power-user for more than 25 years, but this takes the cake!

Thank you!
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 SwiftView: Aaarrrggghhh! HELP! Please? - Ernest_CT on 5/13/05 7:23pm
 Re: SwiftView: Aaarrrggghhh! HELP! Please? -  SamIam_CA on 5/13/05 7:27pm
 Thanks! Email is on its way. n/m - Ernest_CT on 5/13/05 7:36pm
 Re: Thanks! Email is on its way. n/m -  SamIam_CA on 5/13/05 10:18pm
 Re: SwiftView: Aaarrrggghhh! HELP! Please? - Becca/FL on 5/13/05 7:58pm
 Thanks. I am using the SwiftView "Print" icon. n/m - Ernest_CT on 5/13/05 8:02pm
 Re: SwiftView: Aaarrrggghhh! HELP! Please? - pan/nd on 5/13/05 10:18pm
 Thank you! - Ernest_CT on 5/13/05 10:45pm
 The SwiftView work-around: 10 pages at a time! - Ernest_CT on 5/13/05 10:52pm
 Re: The SwiftView work-around: 10 pages at a time! -  SamIam_CA on 5/14/05 12:02pm
 Ernest_CT - email me please -  PAW_Fl on 5/14/05 8:32pm
 Paul: You should have email waiting. Thanks! n/m - Ernest_CT on 5/14/05 9:15pm
 Re: SwiftView: Aaarrrggghhh! HELP! Please? - ERNA_CA on 5/14/05 3:20am
 Re: SwiftView: Aaarrrggghhh! HELP! Please? - Teasa/NY on 5/14/05 10:29am
 Thanks, but no. - Ernesst_CT on 5/14/05 9:22pm
 Thanks for the suggestion. - Ernest_CT on 5/14/05 9:29pm

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