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I wrote back about the "Collections"
Posted by  Todd/OH of OH on 1/3/10 11:53am Msg #316468
I got the same email. I paid for a listing a year or so ago. I wrote back telling them the threat of collections is probably not the best angle to use. I'm reworking my entire advertising strategy. Last year's strategy is in the trash as of last week.
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Messages in this Thread
 Does anyone know who these people are? -  MonicaFL on 1/2/10 6:12pm
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? - Margie Pratl on 1/2/10 6:15pm
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? - desktopfull on 1/2/10 6:21pm
 I'm constantly getting junk from them -  Linda_H/FL on 1/2/10 6:50pm
 Someone I don't think I'd want to affiliate with! - JanetK_CA on 1/2/10 6:59pm
 I agree. n/m - desktopfull on 1/2/10 7:07pm
 Things people will do for - Alz on 1/2/10 8:59pm
 Re: Things people will do for -  Claudine Osborne on 1/2/10 9:40pm
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? - Kevin/Ct on 1/3/10 2:58am
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? - Kevin/Ct on 1/3/10 2:58am
 Obviously it's not n/m - CaliNotary on 1/3/10 1:42pm
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? -  MW/VA on 1/3/10 9:31am
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? - Sylvia_FL on 1/3/10 9:34am
 Also check message thread out - 241304 n/m - Sylvia_FL on 1/3/10 9:39am
 Re: Does anyone know who these people are? - PA_Notary_II on 1/4/10 10:15am
 I wrote back about the "Collections" -  Todd/OH on 1/3/10 11:53am
 If you dig around you will find they are affiliated -  BrendaTx on 1/3/10 12:55pm
 Re: If you dig around you will find they are affiliated - SanDiegoCA on 1/5/10 6:15pm

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