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Re: Only if your State Atty General agrees... Maybe, maybe not
Posted by  JanetK_CA of CA on 7/19/18 12:29am Msg #596045
I agree. So that could mean that California notaries would not be doing remote webcam notarizations. If someone in CA calls remotely to a notary located in another state where webcam notarizations are legal, that notary is operating under the laws of the state where THAT notary is located. So California state requirements would be irrelevant in those cases.

Up to now, at least, there's always been an understanding that one state accepts notarizations completed by notaries located in another state, under that state's law. So unless that changes, people wouldn't need us. I suspect there will long be a sizeable number of people who won't feel comfortable going the remote route, so there will still be some business for CA notaries for a good while. But IF the idea takes hold without legal challenges that block it, business volume here could gradually dwindle to next to nothing.
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 Pavaso Adds Remote Online Notarization to eClosing Platform - Linda_H/FL on 7/16/18 8:17am
 Ouch! - Luckydog on 7/16/18 9:52am
 Wow! We know it's coming. So far Pavaso seems to be -  MW/VA on 7/16/18 12:19pm
 We've also seen a lot of press about United Wholesale Mtg. -  MW/VA on 7/16/18 7:10pm
 Re: Pavaso Adds Remote Online Notarization to eClosing Platform - shooterclay on 7/16/18 2:55pm
 Re: Pavaso Adds Remote Online Notarization to eClosing Platform -  JanetK_CA on 7/16/18 3:16pm
 Re: Pavaso Adds Remote Online Notarization to eClosing Platform - Luckydog on 7/16/18 4:31pm
 If I had a nickel for every Pavaso Remote Closing Press - grapebed on 7/16/18 4:48pm
 Re: Pavaso Adds Remote Online Notarization to eClosing Platform -  JanetK_CA on 7/16/18 8:44pm
 Re: Pavaso Adds Remote Online Notarization to eClosing Platform - Linda_H/FL on 7/17/18 8:14am
 How many "F"s in fraud - Signerbill on 7/16/18 5:37pm
 Re: How many "F"s in fraud - Luckydog on 7/16/18 5:55pm
 Re: How many "F"s in fraud -  Doris_CO on 7/16/18 5:56pm
 Re: How many "F"s in fraud - TheCloser123 on 7/17/18 11:56am
 Only if your State Atty General agrees...... -  Pamela/CA on 7/17/18 2:31pm
 Only if your State Atty General agrees... Maybe, maybe not -  JanetK_CA on 7/17/18 5:04pm
 Re: Only if your State Atty General agrees... Maybe, maybe not -  Pamela/CA on 7/18/18 10:02am
 Re: Only if your State Atty General agrees... Maybe, maybe not -  JanetK_CA on 7/19/18 12:29am
 Re: Only if your State Atty General agrees... Maybe, maybe not -  VT_Syrup on 7/19/18 3:58am

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